Attention: Veterinary Technicians and Assistants, Laboratory Technicians, DVMs, or anyone in the veterinary field looking to build their laboratory skills

Discover VOLT

Veterinary On-demand Laboratory Training Program

Develop your skills and deepen your understanding of the in-house (and reference) laboratory in this comprehensive 6 course training program. As an on-demand course, you have a full year to consume the information and receive a certificate of completion.

Laboratory knowledge is at risk for becoming extinct in the hospital setting and it is so important that this not be lost. VOLT is all about bringing pathology back to the patient by empowering the hospital team with laboratory knowledge.

This is exactly what I've been looking for! Sign me up!

Curious to know more?

What's included:

  • 6 modules for a total of up to 40 CE credits *

    • Introduction to the Laboratory (RACE approved for 6 CE credits)

    • Urinalysis - A Point-of-Care Diagnostic (RACE approved for 5 CE credits)

    • Hematology for the In House Lab (RACE approved for 9 CE credits)

    • Chemistry for the In House Lab

    • Parasitology for the In House Lab

    • Laboratory Management

  • Weekly virtual-live office hours with pathologists and SVP laboratory technicians

  • The Alliance will make a charitable donation of $50 with every full VOLT program registration to the Morris Animal Foundation**

  • And of course, this sweet price for early registration!

The FULL program is only $995 for a short time, then will increase to $2,395.

Follow the link to sign up!

Still not sure? You can also dip your toe in with the the first course at a significantly reduced rate. Principles of Pathology: Introduction to Laboratory Medicine is RACE approved for 6 CE credit hours and includes 6 video sessions that provide a solid base for understanding the hospital laboratory and what happens when samples go to a reference lab.

*This program has been submitted for RACE approval for a total of 40 hours of continuing education credit in jurisdictions which recognize RACE approval. The first 3 courses (Introduction to Laboratory Medicine, Urinalysis - A Point-of-Care Diagnostic, and Hematology for the In House Lab) have been RACE approved for continuing education credit in those jurisdictions which recognize RACE approval.

**Part of the proceeds (as stated above) will be donated to Morris Animal Foundation. Morris Animal Foundation is a global leader in supporting studies to find solutions to serious health threats to animals. This donation is improving the health and quality of life for cats, dogs, horses and wildlife around the world.